The American Accountability Foundation is very concerned about the woke takeover of America’s top universities. In the face of denial and gaslighting, our researchers have uncovered shocking evidence of the extent of the problem.
Here’s some of what we found:
1) ‘Review salaries… by race’
Perhaps most shocking of all, at Vanderbilt University Medical School, under Senior Vice President and Senior Associate Dean for Health Equity and Inclusive Excellence Consuelo H. Wilkins, the Office of Health Equity currently plans to “Review salaries (by job code) by race” – this according to their own website.
2) Hijabs for all!
At the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Professor of Medicine and Medical Director, Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, Anjali Bhagra, spoke of her excitement over Mayo Clinic being a founding member of the World Economic Forum’s “Partnering for Racial Justice in Business initiative.” She also promoted and interviewed Hilal Ibrahim, the founder of “Henna & Hijabs,” who told her hospitals must provide hijabs to staff and patients in order to create a more inclusive environment.
3) The woke perils of telling kids to use condoms
Under the leadership of Deputy Dean Darin Latimore (whose medical license expired in 2017), Yale University Medical School extended it’s “Anti-Racism Task Force” formed in September 2020 after the death of George Floyd. According to their website, “Initially the plan was for each subcommittee to have 17 months to work toward achieving its objectives, but that timeframe will likely be extended given the time it takes to change systems.”
In a speech at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital about how pediatricians should handle LGBTQ patients, Latimore told students that doctors shouldn’t tell young people to use condoms and birth control because it may make lesbian couples uncomfortable.
4) ‘Restructure our whole curriculum’
“We have to restructure our whole curriculum at Washington University,” said Washington University Medical School’s Associate Dean for Diversity and Professor of Medicine, Dr. Will Ross, in order to “remove social and structural barriers to health.” And indeed, he seems to be doing just that. This includes a book discussion event featuring “Dying of Whiteness” by Jonathan Metzl. The university’s website also boasts of a commitment to “a campus wide anti-racism curriculum.”
5) ‘Resources for white people’
Stanford Medical School promotes the 1619 Project, which promulgated the lie that America was founded on the institution of slavery, on their website as a resource for students. They also have a resource guide “for white people to deepen their anti-racist work.”
6) DACA Doctors
At UC San Francisco Medical School, the director of the UCSF Osher Center, Shelley Adler, tweeted that the school of medicine held a retreat where they discussed DACA, Sexual Harassment, and Climate Change.
Medical schools should be working to make their students the best doctors they can be, not indoctrinating them to be political ideologues. Injecting radical leftist race and gender ideology into medical school curriculum is divisive and dangerous. The medical profession is far too important to be allowed to be corrupted by wokeness. For example, as we saw during the COVID pandemic, the anti-white ideology being pushed in American universities had real life implications as states like Minnesota and New York attempted to send whites to the back of the line for life saving treatments simply because they were white. Americans of all races deserve to be treated by doctors who are real masters of medicine and treat everyone equally, not through the lens of political ideology,” said AAF founder Thomas Jones.